

Fundamentals of Music Theory

5 Lessons
17.5 hours
What you'll learn
Reading musical notes
Constructing scales and chords

Organizational Leadership Specialization

9.8 hours
What you'll learn
Explore how great leaders assess themselves and lead collaborative teams that effectively manage negotiations and conflict.
Discover how leaders communicate through storytelling and employ other communication strategies to influence.
Learn how organizations start with the clarity of purpose that comes from an understanding of customers’ needs, including leveraging data analytics, and use that focus to drive the design of products and services to meet those needs effectively.
Create a capstone project that allows them to apply what they have learned.

Learn Spanish: Basic Spanish Vocabulary Specialization

5 Lessons
12.5 hours
What you'll learn
Improve your listening and Spanish comprehension skills with native Spanish through ear training and visual learning thanks to the native Spanish speaking teacher, interactive board, subtitles and included .pdf materials.
Reach your Spanish language goals now and in the future, increasing your opportunities for both personal and professional success.
By the end of the course, you will build and develop your practical communication skills in Spanish speaking, writing, reading and, of course, your fluency and grammatical accuracy.

Philosophy of Science


Philosophy of Science

5 Lessons
21.8 hours
What you'll learn
Students will be able to formulate the basic views that are associated with Logical Positivism and conceptually manipulate the interrelation of observation and theory formation
Students will be able to understand and structure the main issues that philosophy of science engages with.
Students will be able to assess the consequences of the Logical Positivist's views concerning science, philosophy and their interrelation.

Fundamentals of Graphic Design

4 Lessons
19 hours
What you'll learn
Learned how to explore and investigate visual representation through a range of image-making techniques
Understand basic principles of working with shape, color and pattern
Been exposed to the language and skills of typography
Understand and have applied the principles of composition and visual contrast.

Oracle Database Administration for Beginners

2 Lessons
All Levels
What you'll learn
Understand the basics of RDBMS so that they efficiently manage a DBA team
Understand the fundamentals of Oracle Database (including Oracle 12c and Oracle 11g)

Vegan Nutrition Health Coach Certification

4 Lessons
10.3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Give you the tools to design a vegan custom health coaching package that is focused
Develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, nutrient density, macronutrients, micronutrients, and dieting
Learn health coaching skills and the key elements of behavioral change

Yoga Medicine’s Guide to Therapeutic Yoga

7 Lessons
6 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Learn about the interaction of the nervous system with the poses
How mindfulness meditation and specific methods of breathing
Further tap into your body’s innate rest-and-recovery response.
Learn to move your body in more specifically healing ways
Experience greater integrity and therapeutic effect from any yoga practice.

Mental Health: Change your Brain

(1 rating)
All Levels
What you'll learn
Know 10 ways that you can change your brain’s chemistry, structure, and function.
Learn how to prime your brain to be healthier and happier.

Self-Control Psychology and Weight Loss

5 Lessons
2.6 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Be able to use simple tricks and techniques to make self-control easier.
Actually apply these strategies and make a deliberate effort to understand their effects
Have a huge advantage when it comes to sticking to your diet
Meeting your fitness goals, and leading a healthier lifestyle.

Play harmonica, the easiest instrument to pick up!

7 Lessons
23.3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Use major and minor pentatonic scales for improvising and soloing
Bend notes, use the hands properly, different types of vibratos and tremolos

Learn Music Production Essentials

(1 rating)
5 Lessons
8.7 hours
What you'll learn
At the end of this course, you’ll be able to find your way around your DAW
Know how to record your audio and MIDI tracks.
Plus, you'll know how to add and edit effects
Improve your mix and mastering of your songs.

The Fast-Track to Singing Like a Pro

4 Lessons
3.3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
You'll be able to sing with much more control, confidence, consistency, and better overall tone.
You'll be able to sing much higher than you did before this course - with MUCH less strain.
You'll be able to sing with much better technique - saving your voice from future damage.

Listening Skills – The Ultimate Soft Skills

(1 rating)
5 Lessons
29 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Create better connections with everyone in the workplace
Become a better communicator
Improve all work relationships

Introduction to Probability and Statistics

(1 rating)
4 Lessons
8.5 hours
What you'll learn
Learn the probability and basic techniques of data analysis and inference.
Gain a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts.

Electronics – for Complete Beginners

5 Lessons
9.9 hours
What you'll learn
Your understanding will be complete
Comparable to what you might achieve in a more formal learning environment.
You will be prepared to seize opportunities that come your way in the future
Ready to go on to further
More narrowly-focused training in whatever related specialty you choose.

Confidence and Develop Confident Body Language

(1 rating)
4 Lessons
2 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Explore the most powerful body language techniques for feeling & looking more confident
Discover how to get yourself into the "Winner's State"

UX & Web Design Master Course


UX & Web Design Master Course

1 Lesson
23.3 hours
What you'll learn
This course will help you stand out as a web designer, teaching you how to apply User Experience (UX) strategies that will make every site you build useful, usable, and valuable.
Improve Your Website with UX Strategies
Apply UX strategies to a site's content & design
Understand Information Architecture to enhance the content on your website
Know what dictates how your website should look
Design and code a B2B website, a B2C blog, and an e-commerce site

Adobe Illustrator CC – Essentials Training Course

(2 ratings)
1 Lesson
8.5 hours
What you'll learn
With the skills learned in this course, you'll have a highly-desired skill that can help you get jobs and make money as a graphic designer.
Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard application when it comes to graphic design, so it's important for you to learn it if you want to be a professional designer.

Illustrator 2020 MasterClass

1 Lesson
8.5 hours
What you'll learn
With the skills learned in this course, you'll have a highly-desired skill that can help you get jobs and make money as a graphic designer.
Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard application when it comes to graphic design, so it's important for you to learn it if you want to be a professional designer.
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