10X المرونة العصبية قوة ضاربة بناء أفضل للصحة النفسية

Nahla Jones
اخر تحديث ديسمبر 4, 2020
0 التحق بالفعل

حول هذه الدورة

At least 35% of people experience a mental illness like depression or anxiety throughout their lifetime. That means that you or someone you love needs resources to know how to feel better. Many people have heard that “chemical imbalance” or genes can affect mental health, but most people don’t know that you can actually change your brain chemistry without medication! Your brain’s ability to change is called Neuroplasticity.
People want to improve their lives, they just often don’t know where to start. I’m making this course because this is fundamental information that I want all my clients to know. I teach simple daily habits that research has shown to work better than Prozac at treating depression or anxiety. Many of these changes take only minutes a day.

أهداف التعلم

Know 10 ways that you can change your brain’s chemistry, structure, and function.
Learn how to prime your brain to be healthier and happier.


  • No Requirement

الجمهور المستهدف

  • Anyone who wants to have better mental health and be happier.
  • Anyone with Depression, Anxiety or another mental illness
  • Parents, friends or family members of loved ones struggling with emotions or mental illness


Nahla Jones

Master's Degree

11 الدورات
1 تقييم
2 طالبا
She is TEFL certified and has been teaching English since 2008. She has helped over 3000 students worldwide improve their English and hopes to help you as well. Culture and languages have always fascinated her which is why over her lifetime, she has studied French, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, and Swahili. She understands the struggle of trying to learn a new language which is why she always tries to make her lessons interactive and yet full of valuable content so you can improve as quickly as possible.
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