

Fundamentals of Music Theory

5 Lessons
17.5 hours
What you'll learn
Reading musical notes
Constructing scales and chords

Mastering the selling process

5 Lessons
6 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Create several sales necessary tools that are essential to becoming a high-performer in sales. These tools are based around the foundation of knowledge, skill and discipline.
Each tool makes up the Sales Toolkit, which is a living document to guide you through each and every step of the sales process.

Time Management for Professional Productivity

(1 rating)
2 Lessons
16.8 hours
What you'll learn
Learn to plan effectively to achieve your personal and professional goals
Learn to recognize and overcome barriers to successful time management
Identify specific time management tools and use them effectively
Manage resources both effectively and efficiently
Keep your sense of perspective to prevent and manage crises
Learn to delegate effectively
Learn to manage expectations and say “No” when appropriate

The entrepreneur’s guide for beginners

4 Lessons
21.3 hours
What you'll learn
To promote an entrepreneurial spirit and to consider the option of setting up a company as an employment opportunity
Development of entrepreneurial skills and use of tools that equip people to work in an entrepreneurial project
Essential knowledge for those interested in managing their own business

Introduction to Corporate Finance

4 Lessons
15.8 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Have a solid foundation in developing an integrated framework for strategic financial decision-making.
Have a thorough understanding of financial statements and the financial information they provide, and be able to critically evaluate and analyze cash flows statements.
Understand the management and evaluation of portfolios and firm valuation techniques.
Understand how to incorporate risk and uncertainty into investment decisions and understand how companies make financing and investment decisions.

The Complete Management Skills Certification Course

6 Lessons
22.5 hours
What you'll learn
Develop a higher level of leadership and management skills
Reach your fullest potential
Deliver extraordinary value

Communication Skills Machine: Master Persuasion

(1 rating)
5 Lessons
22.5 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Everthing you need to know to develop your communication skills
Become more persuasive & influential in business and life

Strategic Project Management

4 Lessons
22.5 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
How management is differen
How organization need to change.
Make a winning from your existing strengths
How to work with your weaknesses, even change them to your strengths!

Beginner Nikon Digital SLR (DSLR) Photography

2 Lessons
What you'll learn
You will learn how to adjust your shutter speed and why you would choose one shutter speed over another.
You will learn to recognize the difference between depth-of-field blur and motion blur.

Various Homemade Food and Beverage Recipes

4 Lessons
2 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Make a favorite food at home
Enjoy every new food as homemade by themselves
Create their Valuable Quality Time

Professional Everyday & Bridal Makeup

6 Lessons
2 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Improving your makeup application skills
Pursuing a career as a professional Makeup Artist

Dog Care Owner Training For A Happy, Healthy Dog

2 Lessons
3.3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Learn to trim black or white nails on puppies and dogs
Have the essentials on hand if you need to bathe your dog at home
Learn what your dog's ears are telling you and how to clean their ears at home

Play harmonica, the easiest instrument to pick up!

7 Lessons
23.3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Use major and minor pentatonic scales for improvising and soloing
Bend notes, use the hands properly, different types of vibratos and tremolos

Learn Music Production Essentials

(1 rating)
5 Lessons
8.7 hours
What you'll learn
At the end of this course, you’ll be able to find your way around your DAW
Know how to record your audio and MIDI tracks.
Plus, you'll know how to add and edit effects
Improve your mix and mastering of your songs.

The Fast-Track to Singing Like a Pro

4 Lessons
3.3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
You'll be able to sing with much more control, confidence, consistency, and better overall tone.
You'll be able to sing much higher than you did before this course - with MUCH less strain.
You'll be able to sing with much better technique - saving your voice from future damage.

The Business Intelligence Analyst Course 2020

4 Lessons
22.5 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
How management is differen
How organization need to change.
Make a winning from your existing strengths
How to work with your weaknesses, even change them to your strengths!

Business Analysis Fundamentals

5 Lessons
22.5 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Everthing you need to know to develop your communication skills
Become more persuasive & influential in business and life

Beginning Project Management: Project Management Level One

6 Lessons
22.5 hours
What you'll learn
Develop a higher level of leadership and management skills
Reach your fullest potential
Deliver extraordinary value

Sales Training: Practical Sales Techniques

6 Lessons
22.5 hours
What you'll learn
Develop a higher level of leadership and management skills
Reach your fullest potential
Deliver extraordinary value

Natural Skincare: Easy Herbs and Recipes for Younger Skin

6 Lessons
2 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Improving your makeup application skills
Pursuing a career as a professional Makeup Artist
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