

Introduction to Web Development

4 Lessons
4.5 hours
What you'll learn
Describe the structure and functionality of the world wide web, create dynamic web pages using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Apply essential programming language concepts w
Creating HTML forms, select an appropriate web hosting service
Publish your webpages for the world to see.
Be able to develop a working model for creating your own personal or business websites in the future
Fully prepared to take the next step in more advanced web development or design course or specialization.

Strategic Project Management

4 Lessons
22.5 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
How management is differen
How organization need to change.
Make a winning from your existing strengths
How to work with your weaknesses, even change them to your strengths!

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

3 Lessons
21.5 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Be ready to apply your newly-acquired knowledge in your current organization.
Make informed strategic decisions for yourself and your business.

Cryptocurrency Investment Fundamentals

4 Lessons
15.3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Learn how to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrencies including using digital wallets
Learn about how to identify cryptocurrencies to invest in and how to employ proper investment strategies
Learn some excellent resources for increasing your knowledge on investment fundamentals, and where to find cryptocurrency communities

Complete Guide To Instagram Growth

5 Lessons
5.9 hours
What you'll learn
Have valuable skills that will help you effectively build a strong community of Instagram followers
Convert them to paying customers, and finally sell them your products and services.
You'll also receive practice activities, live demonstrations, and helpful resources
Gathering a strong relevant following, to increasing the profit of your business.

Complete SEO Training | Rank #1 in Google with SEO

(1 rating)
7 Lessons
10.3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Get targeted traffic to your site, by using the chosen transactional / informative long tail keywords
Make your website load fast in less than 1 second & increase sales / conversions by 200%
Easy link building techniques to improve your domain authority and domain rating

Growth Hacking, Business Development: Marketing Fundamentals

5 Lessons
6.2 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
You will know where to go.
You won’t be lost anymore.
You will clearly know where to go and how to get there.
You will feel more confident as an entrepreneur.
You will gain knowledge and see differently.

Play harmonica, the easiest instrument to pick up!

7 Lessons
23.3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Use major and minor pentatonic scales for improvising and soloing
Bend notes, use the hands properly, different types of vibratos and tremolos

Electronics – for Complete Beginners

5 Lessons
9.9 hours
What you'll learn
Your understanding will be complete
Comparable to what you might achieve in a more formal learning environment.
You will be prepared to seize opportunities that come your way in the future
Ready to go on to further
More narrowly-focused training in whatever related specialty you choose.

Sales Training: Practical Sales Techniques

6 Lessons
22.5 hours
What you'll learn
Develop a higher level of leadership and management skills
Reach your fullest potential
Deliver extraordinary value

Become a Coffee Expert: How to Make the Perfect Cup

4 Lessons
2 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Make a favorite food at home
Enjoy every new food as homemade by themselves
Create their Valuable Quality Time

Simple Solutions for Common Dog Behavior & Training Problems

(1 rating)
2 Lessons
3.3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Learn to trim black or white nails on puppies and dogs
Have the essentials on hand if you need to bathe your dog at home
Learn what your dog's ears are telling you and how to clean their ears at home

The Complete Facebook Ads Course – Beginner to Advanced

5 Lessons
5.9 hours
What you'll learn
Have valuable skills that will help you effectively build a strong community of Instagram followers
Convert them to paying customers, and finally sell them your products and services.
You'll also receive practice activities, live demonstrations, and helpful resources
Gathering a strong relevant following, to increasing the profit of your business.

Boost Your Productivity: Adapt, Improve, Do!

(1 rating)
5 Lessons
29 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Create better connections with everyone in the workplace
Become a better communicator
Improve all work relationships

Adobe Lightroom For Beginners : Complete Photo/Image Editing

(1 rating)
6 Lessons
5.3 hours
What you'll learn
Master him/herself in Adobe Lightroom
Master in Photo Editing
Feel confident to add adobe lightroom in Resume

Angular – The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)

6 Lessons
32.8 hours
What you'll learn
Develop modern, complex, responsive and scalable web applications with Angular 11
Fully understand the architecture behind an Angular application and how to use it
Use the gained, deep understanding of the Angular fundamentals to quickly establish yourself as a frontend developer
Create single-page applications with one of the most modern JavaScript frameworks out there

Time Management Mastery: Do More, Stress Less

7 Lessons
3.5 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Use your single trusted system to collect and manage your tasks
Prioritize effectively to make sure you're working on the right things, at the right time
Plan your daily, weekly, and long-term work & goals to save time and reduce stress
Use single-tasking, time blocking, documentation and breaks to more effectively focus on the job

Successful Negotiation: Master Your Negotiating Skills

(2 ratings)
5 Lessons
2.3 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing
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